After you invested emotionally into a person who used to be nice to you, then suddenly took you for granted and treated you like trash out of the blue, its hard to reverse your feelings. They have this tiny hope that things may be like they used to be, the person will apologize and love them. Most abused women don't leave their abusers. This is exactly the pull of emotional abuse. I love this song!!! It really speaks to me about my sitution. The scars being another metaphor for her love for this guy even though he doesn't return it.** Everyone sees what she is going through, and yet she stays. The people find it hard to believe that she is willing to go through this pain because she is so in love with this man. **This confusion about loving this guy is draining her emotionally. But she doesn't care because its means more to her that in this time of loneliness he is there, or at least that's what she thinks.** **She knows that if she stays she is taking a risk because this relationship will likely end up like the others. Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe Than the risk that comes with your embrace She knows that they only want to help her.** But deep down in her heart she knows that they are right.

**This ties along with the people trying to tell her whats going on and she refuses to believe them. This guy keeps apologizing or doing whatever (keeps cutting her back open after she tried to heal)and she keeping 'bleeding love' for him, which means she keeps falling back in love with him.** (he keeps cutting her open) The reason she uses these metaphors is because she wants us to see that this process to her is painful, just like someone cutting their wrists would be.** When she trys to detach herself from him, (she tries to close her vein of love (metaphor!)) he makes her fall in love with him all over again. In this section, she is trying to realize that he is hurting her like the others. She keeps denying to herself that it isn't happening.** She isn't listening to them, because she is in love with this guy. Its one of those situations where everyone sees what is going on and they are trying to warn her, but she won't listen and so they think she is crazy.** And she thinks that this guy will be true to her unlike the others, (don't we all think that) but in reality, he isn't.

**Then she met this guy, and she falls for him. After a while, when you close yourself off from being loved or loving someone, your heart turns cold.** She was in a couple of bad relationships and they ended with nothing. **These verses mean that she has closed herself off from love because all it is to her is pain. This song is about loving someone who doesn't love you back. The people who talked about the song being about love were partially right and the ones who talk about drug addiction.well, are completely wrong.